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(Playback) First Monday Mass, 5 July (St. Anthony Zaccaria)

Elevation at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane

The initial First Monday Mass organised by the London Metropolitan Region of the CPG took place on Monday 5 July at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane.

Playback the stream at:

Intentions were for the Catholic Police Guild and all Policing in London. The celebrant was Fr John Scott from Westminster Cathedral.

St. Anthony Zaccaria

The celebrated feast was Saint Anthony Zaccaria and you can find the order of Mass here:

Per LoyolaPress, Saint Anthony Zaccaria was born in Cremona, Italy, in 1502. He studied medicine and became a doctor, but he kept wishing to be a priest. After a few years, he entered the seminary and was ordained a priest. Anthony took Saint Paul for his model and patron. His days were filled with preaching in churches and on street corners. Because several men wanted to join him in his work, Anthony founded a religious order. He called his group Barnabites in honor of Barnabas, the companion of Paul. At the time that Luther was dividing the Church in Germany, Anthony and his followers drew halfhearted Catholics back to their faith. Anthony encouraged frequent Holy Communion and had his priests conduct parish missions. He was called by God at just age 36.

The entrance to Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane with CPG banner


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