Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
With thanks to all those in the police service working over the Christmas period and we remember those spending Christmas alone, those who are sick and those for whom this is the first Christmas without a loved one.
The below is our National Chaplains Christmas message.
"Those of us who send out “Religious” Christmas cards, that is, those cards with scenes of the Nativity, or Shepherds watching their flocks by night, or even Kings bearing gifts of Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, will also be familiar with the scenery behind such images. Scenery now sadly scarred by the shelling of bombs and explosives as war continues to ravage that most sacred land. A land where once an Angel announced news of great joy to shepherds keeping watch over their sheep, news that a baby boy, was to be born to them who would bring peace to all mankind, and yet, from that time onwards, indeed, before, and sadly after, true and lasting peace has been relatively absent not only there, but throughout the world.
For peace to have a chance of becoming a reality, it must first dwell in the hearts of mankind and from there it must flow to other hearts who in turn will pass it on. So regardless of whatever the “must have” gift is this year on your list, I would add to the top of that list, PEACE.
For despite the wars and conflicts that blot our world today, Christmas or CHRIST-MAS remains for many, that time of the year when those who are able, come together as one. So, this year as well as making extra space for the Christmas pud and perhaps yet another mince pie, find room in your hearts for the true meaning of Christmas. For the child born in a squalid stable in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago came not only to walk amongst us but to share with us his vision of true and lasting peace.
“O holy Child of Bethlehem descend to us, we pray, cast out our sin and enter in be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels, the great glad tidings tell, oh, come to us, abide with us Our Lord Emmanuel”.
On behalf of the Catholic Police Guild of England & Wales, I wish you all a very Blessed Christmas and Peaceful New Year.
Fr. Barry Lomax, The National Chaplain. December 2023.
