May we wish you a Happy New Year and we pray that `2024 will be filled with peace at home and abroad. For all those working this New Years Eve and into New Years Day we hope that "festivities" everywhere pass without major incident.
January 1st sees the Church celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God in whom we place our trust.
The Guild in 2023 celebrated the 100th Solemn National Police Requiem on November 7th at Westminster Cathedral celebrated by H.E Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
The attendance at this years Mass was far in excess of previous years, undoubtedly boosted by additional contingents from each Force along with several Force Standard Bearers all. Along with our members, both serving and retired, it marked the occassion splendidly and was well received judging by the huge number of favourable comments received since.
Images from the Mass can be found via this article on the Diocese of Westminsters' website.
Most Merciful God, giver of all authority, by the merits of Thy Divine Son and through the intercession of His Holy Mother and our glorious patron St. Michael, grant that we may this day and every day, overcome all temptations, especially to injustice and disloyalty, and with our minds inflamed by Thy Holy Spirit perform all our duties in such a manner as may be pleasing to Thy Divine Will, so that when called to report for the last time we may not be found wanting, and may be allowed to remain for ever in Thy Presence.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
