The National Police Solemn Requiem 2024

On Thursday 7 November 2024, Westminster Cathedral witnessed once again the National Solemn Requiem Mass for all deceased police officers and staff. This year was the 101st such commemoration with only the war years resulting in no Requiem taking place. During the Covid 19 restrictions the Requiem was celebrated alone by our National Chaplain in his parish church whilst being livestreamed.
The Chief Celebrant was Bishop Alan Williams SM with his concelebrants being our National Chaplain Fr Barry Lomax, Canon John Minh and Frs Liam Bradley, Paul Fox, Gregory Beckett and Eugene Campbell. The assisting Deacons were The Revs Gary May and John McCarthy. All had chaplaincy connections to various police forces.
Prior to Mass, uniformed officers and staff had formed up near to the Cathedral and, led by the Union Flag and the CPG standard along with standard bearers from various Forces from around the country, they marched to the Cathedral. This was the second year running that this aspect has been re-introduced to try and recreate past years, as seen via :-
The parade formed up on the Cathedral Piazza before then leading the clergy procession which met them at the Cathedrals' West Door.
Police headdress was placed in the sanctuary as well as, with the kind permission of The Police Memorial Trust, the National Police Roll of Honour and a poppy wreath with the CPG logo in the centre. The wreath was, the following day placed at The National Police Memorial on The Mall.
The first reading was read by Assistant Commissioner Pippa Mills from The Metropolitan Police, the second reading by Mrs Sheila Driscoll, the wife of Tim Driscoll (RIP) a long standing member of the Guild who had recently passed away. The Bidding Prayers were read by Andy Natrass from Norfolk Constabulary, a previous Chair and current member of the Guilds NEC.
The choir was once again the excellent Metropolitan Police Choir and on the day the ceremonial aspect was overseen by The Metropolitan Police Sovereigns Colour Unit.
It was pleasing to see also in the congregation senior management from the National Crime Agency and staff from the recently formed NCA Catholic Guild of St Michael along with other blue light Christian associations such as The Christian Police Association and the Christian Ambulance Association. In addition, we were joined by two senior officers from The Cabarineros de Chile attached to the Chilean Embassy in London.
At the end of Mass, the Guilds' National Chaplain Fr Barry Lomax was presented with the Guilds' highest honour, its Fellowship (see separate article)
After Mass, refreshments were served as usual in the Cathedral Hall for a chance to catch up over some refreshments, this year enhanced somewhat thanks to a very kind donation made to the Guild specifically for this purpose.
In Francis Street, situated at the rear of the Cathedral is a pub called The Windsor Castle which was formerly known as The Cardinal and again it has been a long standing tradition that some of those attending moved to there. However this year something different was tried so, thanks to the work of one of our members, Pat Allen, we had the exclusive use of a room upstairs. This was in effect a “test run” to gauge its popularity. Suffice to say it is something that will continue in the years to come with the possibility of a bigger room. Both the Cathedral Hall and The Windsor Castle serve to offer a chance for members to socialise in a comfortable and safe environment.
The images from the day can be viewed via :-
With thanks to those from around the country that were able to attend. For those serving members, officers and staff reading this, why not join us next year? You could consider requesting via your own Force to support your attendance as a CPG member representing your Force.
Next year, the Requiem will be on Tuesday 4 November 2025 at 1400HRS at Westminster Cathedral.