The Solemnity of All Saints - Wednesday 1 November 2023.

Today, Wednesday 1 November, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints. It is a Holyday of Obigation and is the middle point of three feasts when we remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, deceased loved ones and all faithful departed Christians.
It encompasses All Saints' Eve (often termed Halloween, or All Hallows Eve), All Saints' Day and All Souls. It arises from the belief that there is a spiritual link between those in heaven, termed the "Church Triumphant", and the living "The Church Militant".
In the early 8th Century Pope Gregory III transferred the Feast of All Saints from its former Feast Day of 13 May to 1 November. This was to coincide with a new chapel in St Peter's Basilica which he dedicated to all the saints in heaven, both known and unknown. The Feast celebrates those who have reached Heaven, and these individuals are honoured throughout the Universal Church, whilst on All Souls Day we pray for those still on their journey to Heaven (the Church Suffering).
The painting is "All Saints" by Blessed Fra Angelico.
Pope John Paul II beatified Fra Angelico on 3 October 1982, and in 1984 declared him Patron of Catholic Artists.